Wednesday, August 25, 2021


I’ve been using the grounding techniques a few times a day…

When my mind is racing…when I find myself thinking too much about a certain person or certain stress…when my emotions are higher than usually, specifically when I’m frustrated at a person or situation.

On Monday I did a small flow test for going on the board and I failed miserably.  It was decided that I need to pulled off from training on the board. Initially I was angry about it, by the time grounded a few times, removed myself from the reality of the situation, I was okay with it.

I don’t think I ever wanted to be on the board but I was looking for something to make more money.  I’m disappointed that I’ll miss out on upgrade pay and sitting inside during the cold months, but I like being active, I like doing little projects and it keeps me busy.  Sitting in the control room makes for a long day and lately, my mind wonders too much.

The grounding helps me stay patient.  I find myself racing into the future, expecting, or wanting change before there is any action taken to create change.  As much as I am learning about modifying my thinking, establishing boundaries…grounding my feelings…I need more time to have it become instant in those moments.  I’m still amped in my feelings…ideally, I want to be able to instantly ground myself without exercises to act on my feelings.

The rush of emotions, positive and negative are still strong.

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