Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Giving up...not part of the plan

“Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, house of fasting, house of faith, house of learning, house of glory, house of order, a house of God.”

I had a spiritual experience yesterday reading the Come Follow Me lesson, going through the scriptures in D&C and followed up with a prayer to know my position with Heavenly Father…

It’s obvious to me that I have not done this enough in my life and taking time to evaluate my position before God, my habits, my intentions, my path, and my faith. There’s always been a moral threshold that has kept me from abandoning my faith, even though I’ve drifted a few times. As I look at where I am currently am, where I’ve been and the possibilities of my future path, I must accept that I might give up…

Thinking about the different scenarios where I might give up…it would be for companionship and filling the void of being alone. I don’t think I would abandon my faith in God, Jesus Christ, and the gospel, but my activity in the church would go dormant to sustain my relationship with my companion…I hate to think I would make that sacrifice?

To safeguard from that happening, I need to stay organized and put my financial health at the front of my priorities. Followed by planning for chaos…creating additional streams of income??? Stay prayerful which will feed my hope. Fast regularly to curb my appetite and mental toughness. Strengthen my faith…regular temple and church attendance & participation. Daily study of scriptures and Come Follow Me to understand and develop purpose. Stay organized and plan for chaos.

I’m really trying to place everything in God’s hands right now…I have moments where I’m grounded and feeling good and other times where I feel desperate, alone, and empty. In those moments, I’m trying to find purpose…and it when I feel like give up the most.

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