Sunday, January 6, 2019

Gas Plant Operations and making an exit

I'm finishing up my last day on this turn around at work...the 6th day of my "6-Pack" and needing a lazy day filled with no real commitments.

I've been working with Williams Companies for 19 months or so and the only thing I really enjoy is the least right now.

Until recently, I really enjoyed learning the process and trying to understand the flows, what vessels do what in order to get liquids or gas, what systems do this...what systems do that.

My attitude and recent desire to go back to Arizona as soon as possible is crippling my momentum to learn more, absorb as much as I can, and really grasp all things gas processing. 

This environment is toxic for my personality and what I am use to.  With a culture of "fun-loving harassment" and sticking 'it' to eachother...I find myself avoid it all together.  It brings the worst out in me and I take everything personally and get defensive.  Most people live me alone and I try to make it known I don't get involved.

That being said...I enjoy my job.  Definitely don't love it.  Tolerating my co-workers is what I usually do and I look forward to my paycheck.

Our plant basically receives natural gas from wells out in the field.  We specifically clean the gas and separate it into liquids or NGL's and gas...Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane and other -tanes...  Customers get their gas and resell the NGL's for a profit.  We remove water and other hydrocarbons, and make it as pure as possible.

Right now, I plan on working for another 3 years and I'm out of here.  I want to move back when Castle is 12 and Roman is 8.  I hate living in winter conditions and miss being around positive people that have momentum in their life.  I rarely meet people in town that have positive acceleration in their life...most of them happy with the status quo of what they have...and for them it's great.  I probably need something different. 

My question I need to answer...what do I need to do...other than save $$$ and get out of be ready for 2022 Arizona???

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