Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friend Gone

I found out this morning that a friend passed away today.

It wasn't spelled out, but the inclusion of the word "depression" in the Facebook post by his sister, he took his own life.

All day this has been on my mind. 

Him, our interactions (our band/Merge, ski trips, riding horses, parties, dances, etc), depression, how people handle depression, how people deal with people with depression, suicide, Ricky...

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it and process my feelings, logically responses, the emotions of friends that I have seen leave this world from suicide??? 

In the past, when someone I know make the decision to end their get confused as I was when I was 15 years old as a freshmen when Ricky took his life.

Then thinking my own dealing with thoughts of suicide...

The few thoughts I have right now...

We workout...lift weights, exercise and eat healthy to meet Physical needs

We study, read books, learn new hobbies to meet our Mental needs

Or emotional needs are a little more complicated.  We can fill that tank with some of the activities above...working out, books, hobbies...but where it really overflows is when it's done with other people.  I've been seeing a lot of memes or Instagram posts lately that imbrace the solidarity of being's more than justifying it, but empowering it.  It's not healthy to be alone and a man left to his own devices long enough will only do damage to himself.

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