Friday, February 4, 2022

Faith & Pride

There is a puzzle that all of us are trying to put together and finding out how important our piece is to the bigger picture is…ego…perspective…pride…humility…

There are two contradictory behaviors that push me to believe that I can turn the tables on my position in life.

My faith on one side and my ego other the other.

Wanting…pursuing a life of blessings is what I’ve been taught. Follow the teachings of the Savior, understanding the purpose of life and obeying those laws that honor eternal progression. As there is commitment and loyalty to that life, it’s assumed that godsends are around every corner.

Then there is ego…wanting to outwork or force my focus to overcome obstacles is the other side of the coin. It doesn’t take too much humility to understand that I don’t have talent and aptitude to grasp money and how to leverage it. There’s no doubt that fear and staying safe with decisions is how I’ve operated.

I didn’t realize it till I started thinking about it…those same traits can hold me back too…

If I don’t feel worthy or my confidence is lacking and the slide…continues or at best…nothing changes.

Honestly, if I could step outside of myself and give myself some sound advice it would be…

1. At this point in your life…playing it safe will get you nowhere! But find out where you want to be in 5 years and make most of your decisions that put you closer to that.

2. There are principles that open and close things, decisions that are based on love and fear, and handling life will either be optimistic or critical…be on the side of light, growth, and gratitude.

3. Channel those qualities bring out the best in you and others…mainly be positive

My feeling that fortune is in my future and it’s a collective impression that it’s both faith and pride. I’ve gone from feeling pretty grateful to knowing that I have a good and am grateful.

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