Thursday, September 23, 2021

Finally...the letter to myself...this was hard


Stop overthinking this…everything.

In a world where mediocre and surviving is the normal, you are anything but that.

You have concentrated on elements of your life that are red flags to a perfect person, but those flags are things you are addressing with focus, energy, and a dedicated plan. There are not many people that have or are willing to do what you are doing. Most people will just push them aside and even hide from them.

You have $50K that is outstanding, but you have only been working at it for 6 weeks and $10K has been resolved. Your plan is working.

You know your short comings and working with a counselor to work on them.

That’s what you are allowing to limit your value…that’s it. Focus on everything else you have worked at throughout your life…

· You are an honorable father and ex-husband; you do everything to be helpful

· You are a college graduate with a career that provides opportunity

· You are a volunteer firefighter

· You volunteer regularly in the community and school system

· You practice your faith and strive to be better

· Your work ethic and integrity are often unmatched in your circles

· You have completed in 5 Ironman races and will continue to do them

· You always ask others what you can do to help them…you love to serve when many can’t or won’t

· You have been forgiven...remember that

· You have learned the value of resolving conflict, square up to it and have a balanced conversation with it, you have found that it’s usually not as big as a deal as it once was…

Keep your head up and know you are worth the trouble, worth being patient, worth waiting around for, and worth any sacrifice…stop comparing yourself to who you were 3 months ago, he was full of hope…they guy you have been for the past 30 days is so much more. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday.

Moving forward…there is nothing but positive upside for you…for yourself, for your family, for your friends, for anyone in your future.

Remember you can get through anything…you always have.

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