It's disappointing, my mind races and overthinks when I go running or for a bike ride. I haven't tried lifting or going that direction, but I'll try tomorrow.
Working on my bus, watching movies, playing phone games, swiping on dating apps are the only things that really keep my mind from going nuts...
I hate that I'm being physically lazy, but I feel my head and mind need more attention that my cardio or waistline. Those areas can bounce back.
In the last 48 hours I've put a serious amount of time and thought into finding a way to move back to Tempe. The options are not good right now...either have a $85K year job or very low cost of I house for cash...going with the second option, it would take me 4-5 years make that happen? Passively working towards that might be something to consider?
Considering where I am at, my resources, my over health, my projections...I have to plan on staying at the Opal plant long term?
If that's the hard, pick up all the OT I can, take any and all promotions I can get. Stay healthy, watch my spending...
All the time keeping my eye open for opportunities...
Stay with days...relocate...make it work. Idaho? Colorado? Texas? None of these are options without staying with Williams.
Look for opportunities to get back to Arizona? Not sure how that will happen? The path that is the most clear...move back with the ability to buy a house for cash & enough savings that any job will work?
How? Work here and Sacrifice everything now to make it happen sooner???
I can do that in Opal/Kemmerer pretty easy? Even if I have to buy a simple place here?
I'd really like to get to Boise area...I can continue to work with Williams, but do some side work with Whitey. The upside is all in Idaho right now? Work, side work, personal opportunity, better weather, hobbies, activities, etc.
Feeling better about having my eyes and ears open for opportunities that present itself.