Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Whitey, Lynzee, & Chad

I would hope that everyone has a brother, sister and friend like them...

Luckily...thankfully, I was able to talk to each of them today and what was incredible...they each called me.  Then to finish the night...facetime with Castle & Roman.  

I really don't know how I would have gotten through the last several years without each of them. Castle & Roman are my "why" but right now there's not a dialog or exchange that makes me think or challenge the status quo.

With Whitey there's not a lot of pushing, but all support, kindness, and being optimistic.

Lynzee does help me to understand myself better and poses enough questions to place my perspective in different directions.

Chad really is an incredible human being...against the odds...he pushed through more resistance in his life and came out on top.  He really has been a great friend and I would hope that everyone has someone, that is not blood related, that is like Christopher Chad Sullivan.  He is heaven sent and one of the greatest blessing in my life.

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