Monday, August 23, 2021

Grounding Technique

Brett passed along a little exercise for me to test when there is an imbalance.  Or maybe when my feelings are amp up and it difficult to control.  Again, feelings are to give me information…

My experience, my feelings are strong and have a challenging time manage my reaction…I need to find a way to control or suppress my reaction until I’m in a good place to address it, specifically ask a direct question rather than making a ½ cocked comment.  Brett used the example of Christmas morning…the excitement of that moment and tempering it down.  It also swings to the other side of the spectrum…

I’ve already used this exercise to push my anxiousness aside…specifically dealing with staying patient on my process of re-wring my head, attacking my financial goals, and seeing results on all fronts.

Here is the diagram…and I think it will be a good way to help me sleep at night…stop my mind from racing…control my overthinking…and find balance quicker.

The technique is to go through each of these steps, and concentrating of each element with the greatest detail. I like it.

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