Sunday, March 15, 2020

Random Thoughts

There are always crossroads on the journey forward, some decision non-consequential...and I still don't know how much is really "non-consequential" b/c details matter.

Example, if you go to Circle-K every morning for your essentials and it costs you $4.50 and you do that every day for a're into it $1170 after a year?

I spend $9.99 a month for apple I spend $120 for music?  I guess I have to justify streaming music or downloading 12 albums?

So those are financial decisions I work through all the time.

A few months ago I wrote down a few things that I deeply desire...(I think I lost the list???)

But I few things on that list...not in any particular order

1. I desire a valuable, meaningful, kind, fulfilling, mutual relationship.  It's going to be difficult...maybe more challenging to find something that works.  I like my job...even more so my schedule and income.  It would have to be debt free with a mortgage free living situation for me to make a change. There really are no options here in Kemmerer...maybe one or two, but it would be a stretch.

2. I want to develop multiple streams of income to avoid any layoffs, economic downturns, and the ability to make decisions based on wants, joy, interest, and advancement rather than fear, needs, protection, etc.  I have my wages, but really want to develop real estate &financial profits.

3. Continue to develop a healthy relationship with Castle & Roman.  I've put myself in a position to be absent from their day-to-day activities.  Even though I call as much as I can, it doesn't allow me to interact with them when their emotions are being worked.  It's usually at night, when they are heading to bed, calm and worn out from the day.  Even though I travel monthly to see them, I don't know if there is an impact on our relationship...I'm considering only trips that involve specific activities they are involved in.  A school play, a special athlete game they are participating in, or things like that.

4. I seriously need to have better mental health.  I have continuous anxiety over the status of relationships, employment, finances, spiritual status, and ability to be balanced and poised.  It took me saving up $10K in cash to feel less anxious about finances. But to feel 100% comfortable, I would like/need to be debt free including a house/condo and trouble free vehicle.

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